Persons with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
have better outcomes when they take the right combination of medications,
especially early in their treatment.
But with a national shortage of nephrologists, it can be hard to give patients the
individualized attention they need.
That’s why we advocate adding pharmacists to the care team for patients with CKD.

37 million
of US adults have Chronic Kidney Disease.
Americans are on dialysis.
Americans have a kidney transplant
Many people with kidney disease are not receiving guideline-based medication therapy and many don't have access to needed medications.
bring value to persons living with kidney disease.
Empower patients and their care partners through education on their medical conditions, medications, including medication self-management
Ensure patients are taking the most appropriate medications to treat their symptoms and slow progression of CKD
Help patients understand the role of alternatives to medications (herbals, diet, exercise, etc.) relating to reducing CKD progression
Work with patients to ensure equitable access to needed medications
Improve patient satisfaction related to their medication plan