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AKHOMM's Learning and Action Collaborative

We are actively recruiting teams for our first Learning and Action Collaborative!

For more information, please fill out this form or email Rebecca Maxson.


Patients with Kidney Disease and Pharmacists

Patients with Hemodialysis Discuss How Less is More When Managing Medications
From Describing in HD

Filling Out Prescriptions

in the news

Optimizing Patient Medication Management within Value-based Kidney Care Models

RPA News: January 2022, Vol XXXX, No. 1, page 1, 6. 

UMN aims to improve health equity and accessibility by funding eight new medical projects

Getting to the Root of Health Disparities in Kidney Disease 

Office of the Vice President for Research Blog, 28 October 2021.

AAKP Innovator Series: Advancing Kidney Health through Optimal Medication Management (AKHOMM)

AAKP Renal Life.

November/December 2022; pages 11-15


Doctor and Patient

Pharmacy Practice Standards for Outpatient Nephrology Settings

Cardone KE, Maxon R, Cho KH, Davis JM, El Nekidy WS, Kane-Gill, SL, McNamara A, Wazny L, Wong L, Battistella M.

Kidney Medicine, June 2022

Nephrology Practice and Research Network Opinion Paper: Pharmacists’ Perspectives on the Advancing American Kidney Health Initiative

Education Standards for Pharmacists Providing Comprehensive Medication Management in Outpatient Nephrology Settings

Hudson JQ, Maxson R, Barreto EF, Cho K, Condon AJ, Goswami E, Moon J, Mueller BA, Nolin TD, Nyman H, Vilay AM, Meaney CJ

Kidney Medicine, June 22

Determining best practices to delivering comprehensive medication management in practices with patients with chronic kidney disease: A qualitative study

Pestka, DL, Maxson, R, Bradley, S, Hsu, Y-C, Traynor, A, St. Peter, WL

J Am Coll Clin Pharm. 2022; 1- 7

Pharmacist's Role in Reducing Medication-Related Racial Disparities in African American Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Julie Gray Pharm.D., Lisa A. Hillman Pharm.D., Eva Vivian Pharm.D., M.S., Ph.D., Wendy L. St. Peter Pharm.D.

JACCP, May 22



Implementation of a Clinical Pharmacists in Hemodialysis Facility: A Quality Improvement Report

Daifi, C, Feldpausch, B, Roa, PA, Yee, J.


Kidney Medicine: Vol 3, Issue 2, 2020.

Significant hospitalization cost savings to the payer with a pharmacist-led mobile health intervention to improve medication safety in kidney transplant recipients

Taber, DJ, et al.


American Journal of Transplantation: 2021(7)

A Primer on Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement for Interprofessional Chronic Kidney Disease Care: A Path to Joint Commission Certification.

Awdishu, L, et al.


Pharmacy. 2019, 7(3), 83.

Reduced drug use and hospitalization rates in patients undergoing hemodialysis who received pharmaceutical care: a 2-year, randomized, controlled study

Pai, AB, et al.


Pharmacotherapy. 2009 Dec;29(12):1433-40.

Pharmacist-Led Mobile Health Intervention and Transplant Medication Safety

Gonzales, HM, et al.


Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology: May 2021, 16 (5) 776-784.

Interdisciplinary Telehealth Team Positively Impacts Difficult to Control Hypertension in Chronic Kidney Disease

Dopp, John M; Lange, Austin; Maursetter, Laura


Coordinated Care to Optimize Cardiovascular Preventive Therapies in Type 2 Diabetes

Pagidipati NJ, Nelson AJ, Kaltenbach LA et al.

Jama Network


Providing Comprehensive Medication Management in Telehealth

Badowski, ME, et al.

Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy: Vol. 38, Issue 2, 2018. 

Optimizing Multidisciplinary Care of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Ellie Kelepouris, Wendy St. Peter, Joshua J. Neumiller & Eugene E. Wright 

Diabetes Therapy (2023)

Effect on an Integrated Clinical Pharmacist on the Drivers of Provider Burnout in the Primary Care Setting

Haag, JD, et al.

Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine: May 2021, 34 (3) 553-560.

Alternative payment approaches for advancing comprehensive medication management in primary care

Pham K. 

Pharmacy Practice (Granada). 2020, Dec. 8 [cited 2021 Aug. 31]; 18(4):2238.

AKHOMM is fiscally sponsored by the Alliance for Integrated Medication Management (AIMM), a non-profit organization.

All content © Advancing Kidney Health through Optimal Medication Management 2024

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